CBT for Basic
Participants will learn the history, development, generic theory, and basic techniques of CBT. The participant will be guided in a step-by-step fashion to understand CBT's philosophical way in viewed psychological disorders. Furthermore, the trainer collaboratively will teach basic CBT techniques in detail with, of course, clinical examples to sharpen the understanding of participants.
What You Will Learn?
CBT Theory & Introduction
Introduction to CBT, CBT Research,
10 principles of CBT, Cognitive Model
Automatic Thought Identification in CBT
Specific Situation Identification, Automatic Thought Identification, Identify Emotions
Assessment in CBT
Cognitive Conceptualization Assessment in CBT, Initial Assessment using BDI, BAI, PBQ, Functional Analysis
Mind Modification in CBT
Mind Modification, Socratic question,
Guided discovery
Behavioral Intervention
Behavioral intervention, Behavioral Experiment Behavioral activation
Therapeutic Structure in CBT
CBT therapy structure, Identification and modification of beliefs (cognitive and behavioral intervention), Downward arrow, Looking for Evidence
Role Play Casuistics in CBT
Task/PR concept in CBT, Worksheets In CBT, Final session in CBT, Role play using CBT structure and technique
CBT for Basic is one of the requirements
for Level 1 CBT Certification
Workshop available on 2, 9, 16, 23 Sept & 7 Oct 2023 14.00 - 17.00 WIB
by Insan Firdaus M.Psi., Psikolog